
Contact details can be found in TU Wien's directory.

Core team


Former Colleagues

Name Last known affiliation
Josef Baumgartner Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Bernhard Binder-Hammer Vienna Institute of Demography
Nathan Bomze TU Wien
Hildegard Dierker Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna (IHS)
Walter H. Fisher Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna (IHS)
Ernst Fehr University of Zurich
Inga Freund Vienna Institute of Demography
Helmut Frisch TU Wien
Johanna Grames AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals AG
Alois Guger Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Tobias Haberler VERBUND Trading
Heinz Handler Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Michael Kuhn Vienna Institute of Demography
Elke Loichinger Federal Institute for Population Research
Bernhard Mahlberg Industriewissenschaftliches Institut
Matthias Mistlbacher TU Wien
Heinrich Otruba European Regulators Group
Klaus Prettner Vienna University of Economics and Business
Wolfgang Radax ARAG SE
Markus Rohringer THQ Nordic GmbH
Jože Sambt University of Ljubljana
Miguel Sánchez-Romero Vienna Institute of Demography
Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle Vienna University of Economics and Business
Philip Schuster Austrian Fiscal Advisory Council at Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Sylvia Staudinger TU Wien
Karl W. Steininger University of Graz
Timo Trimborn Aarhus University
Waltraut Urban Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
Andreas Wörgötter OECD
Peter Zych HTL Wien West